
Fallout shelter editor wiki
Fallout shelter editor wiki

fallout shelter editor wiki fallout shelter editor wiki

Now dwellers are not created equal, there are certain dwellers that are better than the other. You can also use Google Play Redeem Codes to earn rewards in Fallout Shelter.Īside from operating the facilities, dwellers can also explore the outside world and gather treasures and supplies. You can assign any dweller to any facility, but each facility works better if the dwellers assigned are high on certain attributes.

fallout shelter editor wiki

Now, these facilities won’t just function by themselves, you will have to assign dwellers to make them work. There are also facilities that dwellers can use to train and increase certain attributes. You can actually build facilities that can produce food and water, provide medical care, power and electricity, and even entertainment. This is possible in the game since you can build more than just living quarters and provide basic supplies. It is a simulation game where you build an underground shelter where survivors (who are called Dwellers) can live and thrive. In fact, the Google Play Store dubbed it as one of the Google Play Best of 2015. Fallout Shelter is one of the popular games to ever come out.

Fallout shelter editor wiki